Tuesday, 29 January 2013

jiwa KACAU

hye evrybody :)
i'm not in a good mood now..huaaaa..rsa mcm nk mrah/nangis/throwing things/jerit kat bntal ja..but dont know why..(ishh complicated aku neh!) well..perempuan..memanglah kan..ngeee..and thats why i put the title jiwa KACAU..the degree of the KACAU itself is infinity...i think the best place for me now is HOME (alasan!) :)..ibuuuu.........huaaaaa

tsk tsk tsk..*lap hingus

ok..lets make the environment change..so turn the volume to the max!!!yaww..and my later stories will not get along with the title..heheh

well i dont know how much im being so clumsy/careless until these unfortunate events happened to me :(


this unfortunate event happened few years back.i went to a celcom booth to get a celcom broadband.then, in order to register it, i brought my mom's ID card since i wasnt 18 yet..so, the registration went on flawlessly and i went back home happily and couldnt wait to on9..haha..and suddenly my mom asked her ID card from me..emotionless, i opened my purse and looked forward to her ID card..and it's not there..nerveless, i looked into my bag and tried to check it thoroughly and the ID card wasnt there also..suddenly my heart skipped a beat!!!where's the card went??? this is crazy man!!!ID card ok..not business card..grr..then i told my mom that i probably left her card at the celcom booth..yeahh my mom was out of her "cool", so angry with me..and she said "hampa ni cuai la!!!" and i looked at my sisters..we stood still..i was so sad and felt so sorry for her..without any word, i went to the celcom booth again and luckily they kept my mom's ID card :)


this event happened few weeks ago.,i accompanied my sister to buy her school uniform.while waiting for her, i bought some slices of mango..then, we went to a stationary store to buy some stuff..i found a paper tray and i was really into it since i wanted it for so long..i checked that stuff closely and it took about 2o minutes (fussy!)haha..finally i bought it and we went back home..suddenly my sis realised that one of our shopping bags was missed..arghhhh..i didnt know where the lost bag was dropped..tension..got the instinct that the bag probably at the stationary store..my sis and i went there again..huh..memalukan..my sis entered the store and saw the bag..and she said "kak, wat malu ja..dahla pelam ang tu jatuh kat lantai!"haha..i was like,,erkk ok..and we chow fast...


this happened to me last week..my sis that studies at boarding school came back home since it's holiday..we went out together to settle our work and of course we did some shopping..i parked at one place and we walked at every place!!!this was mad!!!we went to supermarket, photography shop, watson, stationary store, supermarket again, fabric shop, farmacy, supermarket again, gift shop and we went home..phewww..and suddenly i noticed that one bag missed.grrr..i was really tired at that time..there're our biscuits n other "hostel stuff" in that bag..rasa nk jerit satu rmah..my mom said "tu nk p kdai mna satu cari bag tu..bnyk sngt kedai yg p"..*pengsan..with lucky instinct again,,i went to photography shop..and taraaa.. it was there...


till these unfortunate events happened on me, i began to realise how careless/clumsy/forgetful/serabut i am..*sigh..and im 20, soon,,*double sigh grrrr..kira jiwa KACAU la jugak ni kan..haha x lari tjuk sngt lah..haha
*ok..lpas neh nk ikat smua plastik bag kat leher..


Sunday, 27 January 2013

adek :)

hello guys :) salam sejahtera..heheh
i want to do some work actually, but im so sleepy right now..thus, i end up typing this blog..hewhew

while i was belek2 all my pictures then, i found some funny pictures of my youngest sister..and that time i was cutting her hair!!!hahaha i repeat, CUTTING HER HAIR..miahaha..yeahh im about to laugh every time i saw those pictures. before that hair cutting tragedy, i called her..than she asked me to come back home fast..

"k.nish bila nak balik?adik nak gunting rmbut nii"
"lmbat lagi la..knapa nk gunting?"
"rmbut depan ni pnjaaanng laa..adik riiimassss laaaa..bila adik tunduk dia msuk mata."
haha at that time i was laughing at her intonation, she was like mkcik tua..haha

 i still remember how my mother and i struggling to death(tipu gila) to cut her hair..it's because she always turned her head here and there, adjusted her position, garu sana garu sini..haha and at first, her hair turned to become so senget..grrrr..then, my mother asked me to alter here and there untill we made it!!!miahahaha.. [ok, x smpai thap death la kan]..haha plus, it's quite difficult for us because her hair a little bit curly..so cute..melengkoi-lengkoi (if u get my words here)..kikiki

yeah..sometimes i talked and asked my sister about her hair..

"neeca, cantiklaa rambut adik.."
"mestilaaaa" (she said proudly) haha
"k.nish nak la rmbut adik..jum kita tukar..tp nk wat mcm mna?"(i wanted to test her by questioning like that..haha and i was surprised by her answer..kakaka
"alaaaa.. senang jaa..gunting rmbut adik pastu boh gam, pastu lekat kat rmbut k.nish.."(dgn slambanyaa)haha

well..thats kid..in their own world :)

still had time to pose!!!

she's ready..haha

haha..this's funny!!!she's trying not to move..


naahhh..a big kiss for u!!!hahah

p/s : i miss u <3

Saturday, 26 January 2013

"kekasih Allah yang dipilih"


yes..all of you surely know what i meant rite? "kekasih Allah yang dipilih" he is our prophet, 
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)...
so, 12 Rabiulawal 1434H is our Prophet Muhammad's birthday..although im a little bit late here, but still i want to wish to all Muslims, my brothers and sisters SALAM MAULIDUR RASUL :) heheh..
yeahh it's really a big day to all of us right..plus, our Prophet also celebrate his birthday by fasting every Monday :) and we are really encouraged to recite selawat to our Prophet as many as we can..why?

it's because..

 Daripada Ali bin Abu Talib r.a., Nabi s.a.w. bersabda:
 "Orang yang bakhil ialah orang yang mendengar namaku disebut tetapi tidak berselawat ke atasku."
(Riwayat at-Tirmidzi)

daripada 'Abdullah B. Mas’oud radhiyallahu ‘anhu, Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam bersabda:
"Sesungguhnya orang yang paling aula (utama) bersamaku di hari kiamat adalah orang yang paling banyak berselawat kepadaku."
(Riwayat at-Tirmidzi)

these are some hadis that we should to ponder about.
as a Muslim we must show our love to our beloved Prophet and there are some ways to prove it :)
  • pray for him (Prophet Muhammad (PBUH))
  • know our prophet
  • always say his name (recite selawat)
  • visit his grave
in shaa Allah..
semoga syafaat baginda bersama kita semua :)

Wednesday, 9 January 2013


first of all... ALHAMDULILLAH :)

YEAAHHHHHHHH...as u know (maybe some of u) heheh..i've just started my degree program after struggling for the final exam last year (november) n i was dup dap dup dap waiting for the result..and it was quite incredible (yeah, even though not in the dean's list but i think its good enough..heheh) because the questions were so damn unexpected..especially that literature thing..aurghhh..but the salient thing was i tried my best!!!
i still remember my friend said "gilaaaa..rasa macam nk buat2 pengsan ja jwab soklan td"..haha..yaa that time i just goreng the answer that i felt correct..pheww

so..the degree thing..this is my first sem in degree..basically i have 4 main subjects..

# literature in english
# introduction to linguistics
# philosophy and education in Malaysia
# child development

hurmm seems so easy rite?but totally not..i must study really hard this time+smart..hopefully :)
btw, this is just the beginning..a little cute step (heh?)..there much more things that i need to bear in the future..so just keep my head high and walk straight..everything's gonna be ok rite.

 "if it's not ok, then it's not the end"-Hlovate

so all the best to me!!! n not forget to my beloved friends also :) chaiyok2!!!

hannan n izzati :)

on our first day

kay fine!please ignore the lipgloss..haha

i don't know what i was doing there
so.. i hope that im gonna be super enthusiastic to colour my degree life just like my beloved youngest sister!!!

oooyeaahhhh..bring it on babeh!!!

Friday, 4 January 2013

sum up the HOLIDAY

hello there..
well i had finished my foundation course (Alhamdulillah) yeaa!!! passed the exam-that the most important thing..wee..
enjoyed the superb holiday after that..i was really loved the time i had spent with my family during the holiday *as you know im the family-type girl* haha..
i could spent my time with my crazy sisters, accompanied my mother to do some window shopping and it was heaven on earth!!! and wonder to my dad's incredible question ever : "nak kawin?"..huh, i didn't buy that trick anyway..i knew that he's just kidding..hurmm..

so lets sum up the other things that happened during my holiday..

  •  i went to Penang with my family.. and plus another 3 families..haha amek hang!! it was a short vacation actually..we just spent two days there..had a big dinner smpai pecah perut... jalan2 n sembang2 then we went back to Kedah..


  • then, i went to Shah Alam and KL with my FEMALE cousin..sengaja stress kan female tu incase ada yg trtanya tnya..haha *perasan..we went there by bus..traveller tegar ok! haha.. so, i went there for four days..had a very sweet time with other cousins there..

  • the last place was Cameron Highlands..finally..after 7-8 years i guess..haha..soo kesiann..also for four days..and i ate a lot of maggie with fresh vegetables and it was splendid..dah la sejuk kan..pkena maggie pnas plak..pheww..goshh can u imagine that?? jgn smpai mleleh air liur sudah..haha oo yeahh, the weather was pretty cold with light rain that i only took bath less that 5 minutes..huhuuu..

cameron valley

ibu likes it!haha

well.. that's all..not really much from me..juz wanna share with u awesome guys :)
yess..looking forward for the next holiday..haha